Clara-Doc - Method Reference

 / packages  / CTBASE  / Version 01.00.00  / CTBUFF

Returns a list of buffers (in a CTBUFFLST instance) resulting from the extraction of all tokens held between a supplied separator pattern.


     D                 PR             3U 0
     D@This                            *   Value
     D@Separator                       *   Value
     D@SepLen                        10I 0 Value
     D@Tokens                          *   Value
TypePointer (*)
Passing ModeValue
DescriptionThe address of a CTBUFF instance. The CTBUFF instance MUST be created via a call to the CTBUFF_Constructor method.
TypePointer (*)
Passing ModeValue
DescriptionThe address of a separator pattern that delimits the tokens. A pattern is any sequence of bytes. This can be a character string, a single byte value or any other sequence of bytes.
Type10I 0
Passing ModeValue
DescriptionThe length in bytes of the separator pattern.
TypePointer (*)
Passing ModeValue
DescriptionA pointer to a CTBUFFLST instance. This instance must be provided (constructed) by the caller.
Return Values

Symbolic ConstantValueDescription
CS_SUCCESS0The method succeeded.
The method will create a set of tokens from the CTBUFF instance value based on a separator pattern (a search string that separates requested tokens). The CTBUFF instance value will remain unchanged. For example, if a CTBUFF instance value contains carriage return/linefeeds, then specifying \r\n as a separator pattern will return all substrings on either side of all occurences of the \r\n within the CTBUFF instance value. Tokens are returned in a CTBUFFLST provided by the caller:
The CTBUFFLST instance must be provided by the caller meaning that the caller must create a CTBUFFLST instance via the CTBUFFLST_Constructor method and pass it as the @Tokens parameter to the CTBUFF_Split method.
      /include QINCSRC,CTBASE                                                                       
     DpBuffer          S               *                                                            
     DpTokens          S               *                                                            
     DpVarValues       S               *                                                            
     DString           S            255A                                                            
     DBuffer           S            255A                                                            
     DSeparator        S             10A                                                            
     DSepSize          S             10I 0                                                          
     DBytes            S             10I 0                                                          
     DRc               S             10I 0                                                          
     Di                S             10I 0                                                          
     Dj                S             10I 0                                                          
     DCount            S             10I 0                                                          
     DCount_2          S             10I 0                                                          
     DCrLf             S              2A     Inz(x'0D25')                                           
         pBuffer = CTBUFF_Constructor();                                                            
         pTokens = CTBUFFLST_Constructor();                                                         
         pVarValues = CTBUFFLST_Constructor();                                                      
         String = 'Hello World';                                                                    
         CTBUFF_Set(pBuffer: %Addr(String): %Len(%Trim(String)));                                   
         // We want all tokens separated by a blank character                                       
         Separator = ' ';                                                                           
         SepSize = 1;                                                                               
         CTBUFF_Split(pBuffer: %Addr(Separator):                                                    
                                   SepSize: pTokens);                                               
         // Let's look at the result ...                                                            
         Count = CTBUFFLST_Count(pTokens);                                                          
         For i=1 To Count By 1;                                                                     
           Bytes = %Size(Buffer);                                                                   
           Buffer = *Blanks;                                                                        
           CTBUFFLST_GetValue(pTokens: %Addr(Buffer): Bytes: i);                                    
         String = 'GET / HTTP 1.0' + CrLf;                                                          
         String = %Trim(String) + 'content-type: text/html' + CrLf;                                 
         String = %Trim(String) + CrLf;                                                             
         CTBUFF_Set(pBuffer: %Addr(String): %Len(%Trim(String)));                                   
         // Let's extract all lines...                                                              
         // An HTTP request separates its data from its headers                                     
         // by an empty line. In the following example, we                                          
         // have two consecutive CRLF, which amounts to an empty                                    
         // line at the end of the string AND ALSO an empty line                                    
         // AFTER the last CRLF (so there are actually 4 lines).                                    
         // Notice that the last two tokens are returned with a                                     
         // size of zero (meaning that nothing was copied in the                                    
         // outbound buffer). However, it is considered a token                                     
         // (hence the CT_SUCCESS return value).                                                    
         Separator = CrLf;                                                                          
         SepSize = 2;                                                                               
         CTBUFF_Split(pBuffer: %Addr(Separator):                                                    
                                   SepSize: pTokens);                                               
         Count = CTBUFFLST_Count(pTokens);                                                          
         For i=1 To Count By 1;                                                                     
           Bytes = %Size(Buffer);                                                                   
           Buffer = *Blanks;                                                                        
           Rc = CTBUFFLST_GetValue(pTokens: %Addr(Buffer): Bytes: i);                               
         // Rather than retrieve values in a supplied ALPHA                                         
         // field, we could retrieve the lines in a CTBUFF                                          
         // instance and parse the lines further with a call                                        
         // to CTBUFF_Split on the token itself ...                                                 
         // This way, we can get all variable:value pairs                                            
         // of every HTTP header.                                                                   
         For i=1 To Count By 1;                                                                     
           Rc = CTBUFFLST_GetBuffer(pTokens: pBuffer: i);                                           
           // We know that headers start after the first line ...                                   
           If i > 1;                                                                                
             If CTBUFF_Length(pBuffer) > 0;  // not an empty line|                                  
               // Get header variable:value pair ...                                                
               // use another CTBUFFLST instance so                                                 
               // we don't overwrite our lines by using pTokens                                     
               Separator = ':';                                                                     
               SepSize = 1;                                                                         
               CTBUFF_Split(pBuffer: %Addr(Separator):                                              
                              1: pVarValues);                                                       
               Count_2 = CTBUFFLST_Count(pVarValues);                                               
               For j=1 To Count_2 By 1;                                                             
                 Bytes = %Size(Buffer);                                                             
                 Buffer = *Blanks;                                                                  
                 Rc = CTBUFFLST_GetValue(pVarValues:                                                
                                         %Addr(Buffer): Bytes: j);                                  
         *InLR = *On;                                                                               