Clara-Doc - Method Reference

 / packages  / CTBASE  / Version 01.00.00  / CTBUFF

Initialises the CTBUFF instance value from a supplied buffer. A CTBUFF instance can hold any type of value such as character strings, sound files, images, etc. When passing a character string, make sure you pass the actual size in bytes. Some character representations use more than one byte for some characters (such as UTF-8 and unicode). Since a CTBUFF instance works with binary data, the character string size in bytes, not in characters, must be provided.


     D                 PR            10I 0
     D@This                            *   Value
     D@Str                             *   Value
     D@Len                           10I 0 Value
TypePointer (*)
Passing ModeValue
DescriptionThe address of an CTBUFF instance. This pointer MUST be obtained through a call to CTBUFF_Constructor.
TypePointer (*)
Passing ModeValue
DescriptionThe address of a byte buffer that will be copied to the CTBUFF value. The byte buffer will replace the current CTBUFF value.
Type10I 0
Passing ModeValue
DescriptionThe length in bytes of the byte buffer used to set the CTBUFF value. Remember that this is the length in bytes of the buffer. If the buffer holds a character string, don't specify the string length (because in some cases such as UTF-8, the string length could be lower than the actual buffer size because some characters may be coded by more than one byte).
Return Values

Returns the length in bytes of the new CTBUFF instance value. Remember to distinguish between a character string (which could hold characters coded by more than one byte) and a byte string. The return value is the byte string length, not the character string length when a character string is used.
      /include QINCSRC,CTBASE

     DpBuffer          S               *
     DpIndices         S               *
     DString           S            255A
     DPattern          S             10A
     DIndex            S             10I 0
     DPatSize          S             10I 0
     DBytes            S             10I 0
     DRc               S             10I 0
     Di                S             10I 0
     DCount            S             10I 0


         pBuffer = CTBUFF_Constructor();

         String = '12345678ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP';

         CTBUFF_Set(pBuffer: %Addr(String): %Len(%Trim(String)));

         // We want to get the string ABC (3 characters from position 9).
         // Remember that positions are one-based, meaning that the first
         // byte is at position 1

         Bytes = 3;
         CTBUFF_Get(pBuffer: %Addr(String): 9: Bytes);

         // Oops! the string is ABC4567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP
         // That's because the buffer is a byte buffer, not an ALPHA
         // field! We need to initialise the target before before
         // calling CTBUFF_Get.

         String = *Blanks;
         Bytes = 3;
         CTBUFF_Get(pBuffer: %Addr(String): 9: Bytes);

         // You can extract the whole string by specifying
         // a byte size of -1. On return, the actual size
         // of the value will be held in the Bytes parameter:

         String = *Blanks;
         Bytes = -1;
         CTBUFF_Get(pBuffer: %Addr(String): 1: Bytes);

         // You can extract from one position up to the end with
         // a byte size of -1: The actual size copied will be held
         // in the Bytes parameter on return:

         String = *Blanks;
         Bytes = -1;
         CTBUFF_Get(pBuffer: %Addr(String): 9: Bytes);


         *InLR = *On;


> EVAL String                                                             
  STRING =                                                                
       1   'ABC45678ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP                                    ' 
      61   '                                                            ' 
     121   '                                                            ' 
     181   '                                                            ' 
     241   '               '                                              

 > EVAL String                                                                 
   STRING =                                                                    
        1   'ABC                                                         '     
       61   '                                                            '     
      121   '                                                            '     
      181   '                                                            '     

        1   '12345678ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP                                    '     
       61   '                                                            '     
      121   '                                                            '     
      181   '                                                            '     
      241   '               '                                                  
 > EVAL String                                                                 
   STRING =                                                                    
        1   'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP                                            '     
       61   '                                                            '     
      121   '                                                            '     
      181   '                                                            '     
      241   '               '                                                  
      241   '               '