Clara-Doc - Method Reference

 / packages  / CTBASE  / Version 01.00.00  / CTBUFF

Concatenates a CTBUFF instance to another CTBUFF instance. A CTBUFF instance may concatenate to itself.


     D                 PR            10I 0
     D@This                            *   Value
     D@Buff                            *   Value
TypePointer (*)
Passing ModeValue
DescriptionThe address of an CTBUFF instance. This pointer MUST be obtained through a call to CTBUFF_Constructor.
TypePointer (*)
Passing ModeValue
DescriptionThe address of an CTBUFF instance. This pointer MUST be obtained through a call to CTBUFF_Constructor.
Return Values

Returns the number of bytes of the CTBUFF instance resulting from the concatenation.

      * Clara-Tools Definitions

      /Include QINCSRC,CTBASE

     DEntryProc        Pr                  ExtProc('TESTBUFF')

     DEntryProc        PI

      *  Main

     DpBuff            S               *
     DpBuff2           S               *
     DBuffer           S            512A
     DBytes            S             10I 0


        // Create 2 CTBUFF instances

        pBuff = CTBUFF_Constructor();
        pBuff2 = CTBUFF_Constructor();

        // Set buffer of 1st CTBUFF instance

        Buffer = 'Hello ';

        // Size of 6 to keep the blank
        CTBUFF_Set(pBuff: %Addr(Buffer): 6);

        // Set buffer of 2nd CTBUFF instance

        Buffer = 'World';
        CTBUFF_Set(pBuff2: %Addr(Buffer): %Len(%Trim(Buffer)));

        // Concatenate 2nd buffer to 1st buffer

        CTBUFF_BuffCat(pBuff: pBuff2);

        // Check the result ...
        // On return, the Bytes value is 11.

        Bytes = 512;
        Clear Buffer;
        CTBUFF_Get(pBuff: %Addr(Buffer): 1: Bytes);

        // We will now concatenate a CTBUFF with itself:

        CTBUFF_BuffCat(pBuff: pBuff);

        // Check the result ...
        // On return, the Bytes value is 22.

        Bytes = 512;
        Clear Buffer;
        CTBUFF_Get(pBuff: %Addr(Buffer): 1: Bytes);

        // Release CTBUFF instances


        *InLr = *On;


Result of first concatenation:
Previous debug expressions                                                
     421   '                                                            ' 
     481   '                                '                             
> EVAL Buffer                                                             
  BUFFER =                                                                
       1   'Hello World                                                 ' 
      61   '                                                            ' 
     121   '                                                            ' 
     181   '                                                            ' 
     241   '                                                            ' 
     301   '                                                            ' 
     361   '                                                            ' 
     421   '                                                            ' 
     481   '                                '                             
Result of second concatenation:
     421   '                                                            '   
     481   '                                '                               
> EVAL Buffer                                                               
  BUFFER =                                                                  
       1   'Hello WorldHello World                                      '   
      61   '                                                            '   
     121   '                                                            '   
     181   '                                                            '   
     241   '                                                            '   
     301   '                                                            '   
     361   '                                                            '   
     421   '                                                            '   
     481   '                                '