Clara-Doc - Method Reference

 / packages  / CTBASE  / Version 01.00.00  / CTARR

Use this method to set the value at a specified index within the array. Since the array item size is fixed and known beforehand, you do not need to provide the size of the supplied buffer. The buffer you provide MUST however be of the proper size (or larger). If the buffer you provide has a smaller size than the array item size, then garbage will be copied over to the array item and this may cause undesirable results.


       D                 PR            10I 0                                 
       D@This                            *     Value                         
       D@pBuffer                         *     Value                         
       D@Index                         10I 0   Value                           
TypePointer (*)
Passing ModeValue
DescriptionThe address of an array instance. This pointer MUST be obtained through a call to CTARR_Constructor.
TypePointer (*)
Passing ModeValue
DescriptionThe address of a buffer that will hold the value to be copied in the array.
Type10I 0
Passing ModeValue
DescriptionThe index position of the item within the array. If you specify an index larger than the actual number of items in the array, the method will fail. The first list item is at index 1
Return Values

Symbolic ConstantValueDescription
CS_SUCCESS0The item was set successfully.
CS_FAILURE1The item was not set. One possible reason is that the provided index is out of range.

      * Common Definitions

      /Include QINCSRC,CTBASE_H

     DEntryProc        Pr                  ExtProc('EXLST07')

     DEntryProc        PI

      *  Main

     DArray            S               *
     DCount            S             10I 0
     Dn                S             10I 0
     DSize             S             10I 0
     DBytes            S             10I 0
     DBuffer           S             32A
     DExtension        S              4A

     DRecord           DS                  Qualified
     DF1                             10I 0
     DF2                             32A


        Array = CTARR_Constructor();

        // Let's allocate an array of size 3
        // And initialize each item with an empty record
        Clear Record;

        CTARR_Alloc(Array: 3: %Size(Record): %Addr(Record));

        // Set the second array item

        Record.F1 = 777;
        Record.F2 = 'This is a string';

        CTARR_Set(Array: %Addr(Record): 2);

        // Look at each item (check that second item is set)
        For n=1 To CTARR_Count(Array) By 1;
          CTARR_Get(Array: %Addr(Record): n);

        // Let's create a brand new array of size 4
        // with item size that of a 4 byte string ...
        // We will not initialize the array items.

        CTARR_Alloc(Array: 4: 4: *Null);

        // Let's set the array items with the F2
        // Field of our record.
        // Only the first 4 bytes will be copied.
        Record.F2 = 'This is a string';
        CTARR_Set(Array: %Addr(Record.F2): 1);
        CTARR_Set(Array: %Addr(Record.F2): 2);
        CTARR_Set(Array: %Addr(Record.F2): 3);
        CTARR_Set(Array: %Addr(Record.F2): 4);

        // The array items will only hold the
        // first 4 bytes of the Record.F2 field
        // because the array object only copies
        // to the item's size.
        // Notice also that it's ok to retrieve
        // in a buffer larger than the items size;
        // if the buffer was smaller, the
        // program could crash however.
        CTARR_Get(Array: %Addr(Buffer): 1);
        Buffer = *Blanks;
        CTARR_Get(Array: %Addr(Buffer): 2);
        Buffer = *Blanks;
        CTARR_Get(Array: %Addr(Buffer): 3);
        Buffer = *Blanks;
        CTARR_Get(Array: %Addr(Buffer): 4);

        // Since the retrieval is performed
        // up to the array items size, we can
        // take advantage of this fact.
        // We will set our array items
        // to file extensions ....
        // Notice that even though our
        // file extensions are 3 bytes long,
        // we copy them in a 4 byte buffer
        // because the array will copy 4 bytes
        // which is it's item size. We don't
        // want to provide a 3 byte buffer and have
        // the array copy garbage at the end.

        Extension = 'DOC';
        CTARR_Set(Array: %Addr(Extension): 1);
        Extension = 'XLS';
        CTARR_Set(Array: %Addr(Extension): 2);
        Extension = 'TXT';
        CTARR_Set(Array: %Addr(Extension): 3);
        Extension = 'CPP';
        CTARR_Set(Array: %Addr(Extension): 4);

        // We will now make file names
        // From the extensions. Again
        // You have to be sure that the provided
        // buffer will hold all the data. In the following
        // Example, we use pointer offsets. This means
        // the offset could cause a buffer overflow, so
        // beware of this situation.

        Buffer = 'MYFILE.';
        CTARR_Get(Array: %Addr(Buffer)+7: 1);
        CTARR_Get(Array: %Addr(Buffer)+7: 2);
        CTARR_Get(Array: %Addr(Buffer)+7: 3);
        CTARR_Get(Array: %Addr(Buffer)+7: 4);

        // With each retrieval, the buffer will
        // contain these successive values:
        // MYFILE.DOC
        // MYFILE.XLS
        // MYFILE.TXT
        // MYFILE.CPP


        *InLr = *On;
